76-5-9. Special land user's assessment; enforced collection.
Payment of the special assessment levied by a local control committee against a land user shall be due and payable upon the land user's receipt of an assessment statement from the committee. The committee's statements shall indicate:
A. the total number of acres treated within the control district during the extermination program;
B. the total acres treated which are under the control of the land user assessed;
C. the total amount of state funds expended in the control district for the extermination program; and
D. the amount assessed against the land user. Assessments by local control committees shall be subject to the same delinquency period, discounts, penalties and interest as are applied to the collection of ad valorem taxes.
The control committees shall refer a delinquent assessment to a district attorney in the county of the land user's residence. It shall be the duty of the district attorney to sue and obtain judgment, and thereafter to enforce and satisfy the judgment so obtained.