76-6B-2. Definitions.
As used in the Pink Bollworm Control Act:
A. "board" means the board of regents of New Mexico state university;
B. "cotton producer" means any person growing five or more acres of cotton plants. For the purposes of the Pink Bollworm Control Act, only one person from any farm, sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership or any other legal business arrangement shall be eligible to vote to establish or dissolve a pink bollworm control district;
C. "department" means the New Mexico department of agriculture;
D. "director" means the director of the New Mexico department of agriculture;
E. "organic cotton producer" means any person growing cotton who is certified by the organic commodity commission as a producer of organic or transitional cotton;
F. "pink bollworm" means any life stage of the cotton insect Pectinophora gossypiella;
G. "pink bollworm control committee" means the persons, not less than three nor more than seven, elected by a majority of the cotton producers voting in a designated pink bollworm control district; and
H. "pink bollworm control district" means a designated area duly established under the Pink Bollworm Control Act wherein a program to suppress or eradicate the pink bollworm is administered.