76-7-15. Notice to land occupiers of control measures; inspection of property; failure to comply with order.
A. The chairman of the board of county commissioners governing the noxious weed control district shall give written notice to each land occupier within the district informing him of the control measures that are in effect on his land and all other necessary information to enable the land occupier to carry out the measures.
B. It is the duty of each land occupier to comply with the control measures prescribed by the governing body and the responsibility of the appropriate county officials to comply with the control measures determined by the governing body in order to effectuate noxious weed control measures on rights of way of all public roads and other public lands within the district.
C. The governing body of the district, if it deems advisable, may appoint an inspector to serve as an officer of the governing body. The inspector shall have the right to enter upon any land within the district to determine whether control measures are necessary and to determine whether control measures prescribed by the governing body are being carried out.
D. If it is found that a land owner or occupier is not complying with the governing body's directions, the governing body shall give him written notice ordering him to comply within a stated time. If he fails to comply with the order, the governing body may file a suit for a mandatory injunction in the district court of the county in which the land is situated to compel him to comply with the order. Any land owner or occupier against whom an injunction is issued shall, upon a finding of the court that the land owner or occupier unreasonably refused to comply with the governing body's order and that the control measures are appropriate, be liable for all costs of the suit and for a reasonable attorney fee to be fixed by the court. The court shall upon a proper determination issue an injunction ordering compliance with the governing body's directions.
E. Any adjoining land owner to a county or state road situated within the noxious weed control district may petition the governing body of the district to spray or take weed control measures of noxious weed growing upon adjoining rights of way. Upon determination by the governing body that the control measures requested are necessary, the governing body shall order appropriate action to be taken to control noxious weeds. If the lands or rights of way are under the control of the department of transportation, the governing body shall first make formal application to the state transportation commission requesting the department of transportation to perform the necessary control measures. If the department of transportation fails or refuses to take appropriate action, the governing body of the district shall perform the necessary work with district facilities. In the event sufficient funds are not available to finance the control measures by the district, upon the rights of way, the adjoining land owner or occupier shall be authorized by the governing body to take appropriate action, and he shall be reimbursed from funds of the district as soon as sufficient funds become available. The governing body shall petition the department of transportation for reimbursement of necessary and actual expenses of the noxious weed control measures taken upon the state highway rights of way or lands.