76-7-19. Addition or exclusion of lands of district.
A. Upon petition to the district governing body, by one or more landowners residing outside the district, asking for inclusion into the district of specified lands, the governing body of the district shall examine the petition, and after appropriate public hearings make a determination upon whether the petition shall be granted. The district governing body shall have the authority to declare the extension of the boundaries of the district to include the area designated in the petition or to accept any portion of the area included in the petition, for inclusion in the district. All lands added to any existing district shall at the next assessment date automatically be subject to any special levy on taxable property approved for the district for the purposes of the Noxious Weed Control Act [76-7-1 to 76-7-22 NMSA 1978].
B. Upon petition to the district governing body by ten or more landowners residing within the district and asking for the detaching of a specified area from inclusion in the district, the governing body of the district shall examine the petition, and after appropriate public hearing make a determination upon whether the petition shall be granted. The governing body of the district may order the lands included in the petition to be excluded from the area of the district, provided all current assessments have been paid, and the detaching of the lands will not result in the total area of the district containing less than the prescribed minimum acreage of one thousand, two hundred and eighty acres.