76-7C-1. Grazing permits; management plans.
A. In all areas of New Mexico where the production of livestock is managed upon intermingled private, state and federal land, landowners, lessees and permittees may provide for the development and implementation of a management plan. If a landowner, permittee or lessee elects to develop a management plan for any given area, he shall do so in consultation, cooperation and coordination with other lessees, permittees and landowners involved. In addition, the permittee, lessee or landowner shall consult with the range improvement task force located at New Mexico state university and the New Mexico department of agriculture.
B. Management plans shall be tailored to the specific range condition of the area to be covered by these plans and shall be reviewed on a periodic basis to determine whether they have been effective in improving the range condition of the lands involved. The management plans may be revised or terminated or new plans developed from time to time after such review and careful and considered consultation, cooperation and coordination with all permittees, lessees and landowners involved and, if appropriate, with the New Mexico department of agriculture and the range improvement task force staff of New Mexico state university.