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Section 76-8-1 - Enumeration of protected plants.

76-8-1. [Enumeration of protected plants.]

The following plants shall constitute the protected group in New Mexico and the botanical names shall govern in all cases:   

A.     fern family (Polypodiaceae):   

gymnogramme (Gymnopteris hispida)   

common maidenhair fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris)   

chain fern (Woodwardia plummerae)   

spleenwort (Asplenium septentrionalis)   

spleenwort (Asplenium resiliens)   

spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes)   

B.     lily family (Liliaceae):   

two-flowered milla (Milla byflora)   

purplish-brown fritillary (Fritillaria atropurpurea)   

uvularia, twisted stalk (Uvularia amplexifolia)   

white mountain lily (Leucocrinum montanum)   

wood lily (Lilium montanum)   

mariposa lily (Calochortus - all species)   

C.     iris family (Iridaceae):   

wild iris (Oreolirion arizonicum). This is not the common blue iris of our mountains, but is yellow in color.   

D.     amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae):   

century plant (Agave schottii)   

lechuguilla (Agave lechuguilla)   

century plant (Agave palmeri)   

century plant (Agave parryi)   

century plant (Agave neomexicana)   

atamosco lily (Atamosco longifolia)   

E.     crowfoot family (Ranunculaceae):   

red, yellow, and blue columbine (Aguilegia - all species)   

monkshood (Aconitum - all species)   

pasque flower (Pulsatilla hersutissima)   

leather flower (Viorna - all species)   

virgin's bower (Clematis pseudoalpina)   

F.     lobelia family (Lobeliaceae):   

cardinal flower o red lobelia (Lobelia splendens)   

blue lobelia (Lobelia gruina)   

G.     primrose family (Primulaceae):   

shooting star (Dodecatheon - all species)   

primrose (Primula - all species)   

H.     heath family (Ericaceae):   

bearberry, kinnickinick [kinnikinick] (Artostaphylos uva-urse)   

I.     gentian family (Gentianaceae):   

fringed gentian (Gentiana elegans)   

fringed gentian (Gentiana barbellata)   

closed gentian (Gentian affinis)   

J.     violet family (Violaceae):   

blue violet (Viola adunca)   

blue violet (Viola nephrophylla)   

blue violet (Viola pedatifida)   

yellow violet (Viola pinetorum)   

blue violet (Viola missouriensis)   

K.     purslane family (Protulacaceae):   

spring beauty (Claytonia lanceolata)   

L.     apple family (Malaceae):   

mountain ash (Sorbus scopulina)   

M.     phlox family (Polemoniaceae):   

jilly flower (Gilia aggregata)   

N.     orchid family (Orchidaceae):   

orchids - all species   

O.     orpine family (Crassulaceae):   

sedum - all species (commonly known as stonecrop)   

P.     saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae):   

all species   

Q.     evening primrose family (Epilobiaceae):   

firewood (Chamaenerion anugstifolium)   

R.     dogwood family (Cornaceae):   

cornel (Cornus instolonea)   

S.     ivy family (Hederaceae):   

aralia (Aralia bicrenata)   

T.     butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa)   

U.     figwort family (Scrophulariaceae):   

Indian paint brush, painted cup (Castellejia integra)   

V.     cactus family (Cactaceae):   

night blooming cereus (Peniocereus greggii)   

porcupine cactus (Echinocereus - all species)   

barrel, niggerhead, bisnaga or visnage cactus (Ferocactus - all species)   

hedgehog cactus (Echinocactus - all species)   

hedgehog cactus (Scherocactus - all species)   

pincushion cactus (Coryphantha or Mammillaria - all species)   

fishhook cactus (Phellosperma or Mammillaria - all species)   

fishhook cactus (Neomammillaria or Mammillaria - all species)   

stanly's cholla (Opuntia stanlyi)   

W.     all plants growing within four hundred yards of any highway, except noxious weeds.   

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