76-9-5. Inspection; access; interference.
A. The department shall notify each beekeeper prior to the initial annual inspection of his apiary and, if requested by the beekeeper, an inspector shall make the apiary inspection in the presence of the beekeeper or his representative and at a time that conforms to the efficient management of bees. Subsequent inspections may be made by an inspector, as needed, to locate and control contagious disease and regulate the location of any apiary. The inspector shall have access to all apiaries. Any person who shall hinder, resist or impede in any way an inspector in the discharge of his duties shall be in violation of the Bee Act [76-9-1 to 76-9-13 NMSA 1978].
B. In order to permit the inspector to readily examine a colony for contagious disease, beekeepers shall manage bees only in those types of hives approved by the board.