6 - Transfer of canal lands and other assets.
§ 6. Transfer of canal lands and other assets. 1. The jurisdiction of the commissioner of transportation over the New York state canal system and over all state assets, equipment and property, both tangible and intangible, owned or used in connection with the planning, development, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of the New York state canal system, as set forth in articles one through and including fourteen, except article seven, of this chapter, and except properties in use on the effective date of this article in support of highway maintenance, equipment management and traffic signal operations of the department of transportation are hereby transferred without consideration to the authority, to be held by the authority in the name of the people of the state of New York. In addition the commissioner of transportation and the chairman of the authority may, in their discretion, enter into an agreement or agreements transferring jurisdiction over any or all of the bridges and highways set forth in article seven of this chapter, and any or all state assets, equipment and property, both tangible and intangible, owned or used in connection with the planning, development, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and operation of such bridges and highways, which shall be transferred without consideration to the authority, to be held by the authority through the corporation in the name of the people of the state of New York. Any other rights and obligations resulting from or arising out of the planning, development, construction, reconstruction, operation or maintenance of the New York state canal system shall be deemed assigned to and shall be exercised by the authority through the corporation, except that the authority may designate the commissioner of transportation to be its agent for the operation and maintenance of the New York state canal system, provided that such designation shall have no force or effect after March thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. Such canal system shall remain the property of the state and under its management and control as exercised by and through the authority, through the corporation which shall be deemed to be the state for the purposes of such management and control of the canals but for no other purposes. 2. The department of transportation shall deliver to the authority all books, policies, procedures, papers, plans, maps, records, equipment and property of such department pertaining to the functions transferred pursuant to this article. 3. All rules, regulations, acts, determinations, orders and decisions of the commissioner of transportation and of the department of transportation pertaining to the functions transferred pursuant to this article in force at the time of such transfer shall continue in force and effect as rules, regulations, acts, determinations, orders and decisions of the authority and corporation until duly modified or abrogated by such authority and corporation. 4. Any business or other matters undertaken or commenced by the commissioner of transportation or the department of transportation, including executed contracts, permits and other agreements, pertaining to or connected with the functions, powers, obligations and duties transferred pursuant to this article, and in effect on the effective date hereof, shall be conducted and completed by the authority through the corporation in the same manner and under the same terms and conditions and with the same effect as if conducted and completed by the commissioner of transportation or the department of transportation. 5. No existing rights or remedies of the state, including the authority, shall be lost, impaired or affected by reason of this article.6. (a) No action or proceeding pending on the effective date of this article, brought by or against the commissioner of transportation or the department of transportation shall be affected by this article. Any liability arising out of any act or omission occurring prior to the effective date of the transfer of powers and duties authorized herein of the officers, employees or agents of the department of transportation, or any other agency of the state, other than the authority, in the performance of their obligations or duties under the canal law, any other law of the state or any federal law, or pursuant to a contract entered into prior to the effective date of such transfer shall remain a liability of the department of transportation or such other agency of the state and not of the authority. (b) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the state shall indemnify and hold harmless the authority and corporation for any and all claims, damages, or liabilities, whether or not caused by negligence, including civil and criminal fines, arising out of or relating to any generation, processing, handling, transportation, storage, treatment, or disposal of solid or hazardous wastes in the canal system by any person or entity other than the authority occurring prior to the effective date of the transfer of powers and duties authorized herein. Such indemnification shall extend to, without limitation, any releases into land, water or air, including but not limited to releases as defined under the federal comprehensive environmental response compensation and liability act of nineteen hundred eighty, occurring or existing prior to the effective date of this section; provided that the authority shall cooperate in the investigation and remediation of hazardous waste and other environmental problems.