103 - Definitions.
§ 103. Definitions. As used in this law: (A) "Acquisition" means the act of vesting of title, right or interest to, real property for a public use, benefit or purpose, by virtue of the condemnor's exercise of the power of eminent domain. (B) "Acquisition map" means the representation of the real property acquired by either a delineation of the perimeter of the particular project covering the acquisition; together with a description of the project's perimeter boundaries and of the estate, right or interest in and to such property so acquired or an individual property map representing the estate, right or interest in and to such property so acquired. (B-1) "Assessment record billing owner" means the owner, last known owner, or reputed owner, at such person's tax billing address, of each parcel or portion thereof, of real property which may be acquired by the condemnor for such public project, as shown on the assessment records of the political subdivision in which such parcel or portion thereof is located, as this information, in its most current form, may be obtained from and ascertained by the assessor of each such political subdivision. (C) "Condemnee" means the holder of any right, title, interest, lien, charge or encumbrance in real property subject to an acquisition or proposed acquisition. (D) "Condemnor" means any entity vested with the power of eminent domain. (E) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, association, trust, or legal entity. (F) "Real property" includes all land and improvements, lands under water, waterfront property, the water of any lake, pond or stream, all easements and hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal, and every estate, interest and right, legal or equitable, in lands or water, and right, interest, privilege, easement and franchise relating to the same, including terms for years and liens by way of mortgage or otherwise. (G) "Public project" means any program or project for which acquisition of property may be required for a public use, benefit or purpose.