908 - Merger or consolidation of business and not-for-profit corporations.
§ 908. Merger or consolidation of business and not-for-profit corporations. (a) One or more domestic or foreign corporations which is, or would be if formed under this chapter, a type A or type C corporation under section 201 (Purposes) may be merged or consolidated into a domestic or foreign corporation which is, or would be if formed under the laws of this state, a corporation formed under the business corporation law of this state if such merger or consolidation is not contrary to the law of the state of incorporation of any constituent corporation. With respect to such merger or consolidation, any reference in paragraph (b) of section 901 of this article or paragraph (b) of section 901 of the business corporation law to a corporation shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include both domestic and foreign corporations. (b) With respect to procedure including authorization by shareholders or approval by members, each domestic business corporation shall comply with the business corporation law, each domestic not-for-profit corporation shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and each foreign corporation shall comply with the applicable provisions of the law of the jurisdiction under which it is incorporated. (c) The plan of merger or consolidation shall set forth all matter required by section 902 of the business corporation law or section 902 of this chapter and the terms and conditions of the proposed merger or consolidation, including the manner and basis of converting shares, membership or other interest in each constituent corporation into shares, bonds or other securities of the surviving or consolidated corporation, or the cash or other consideration to be paid or delivered in exchange for shares, membership or other interest in each constituent corporation, or a combination thereof. (d) After adoption of the plan of merger or consolidation by the board and members or shareholders of each constituent corporation, unless the merger or consolidation is abandoned in accordance with paragraph (b) of section 903 (Approval by members) and paragraph (b) of section 903 (Authorization by shareholders) of the business corporation law, a certificate of merger or consolidation, entitled "Certificate of merger (or consolidation) of .......... and .......... into .............. (names of corporations) under section 908 of the Not-for-Profit Corporation Law", shall be signed on behalf of each constituent corporation and delivered to the department of state. (1) If the surviving or consolidated corporation is, or is to be, a domestic corporation such certificate shall set forth the statements required by section 904(a) of the business corporation law or section 904(a) of this chapter and, as to each constituent foreign corporation the jurisdiction and date of its incorporation and the date when its application for authority to conduct activities or do business in this state was filed by the department of state or, if no such application has been filed, a statement to such effect. (2) If the surviving or consolidated corporation is, or is to be formed under the law of any jurisdiction other than this state such certificate shall set forth: (A) The statements required by subparagraphs (a)(1) and (2) of section 902 of the business corporation law or subparagraphs (a)(1) and (2) of section 902 (Plan of merger or consolidation) of this chapter, and the manner in which the merger or consolidation was authorized with respect to each constituent domestic corporation. (B) The jurisdiction and date of incorporation of the surviving or consolidated foreign corporation, the date when its application for authority to do business in this state was filed by the department of state or, if no such application has been filed, a statement to sucheffect and that it is not to do business in this state until an application for such authority shall have been filed by such department. (C) The date when the certificate of incorporation of each constituent domestic corporation was filed by the department of state and the jurisdiction and date of incorporation of each constituent foreign corporation, other than the surviving or consolidated foreign corporation, and, in the case of each such corporation authorized to do business or conduct activities in this state, the date when its application for authority was filed by the department of state. (D) An agreement that the surviving or consolidated foreign corporation may be served with process in this state in any action or special proceeding for the enforcement of any liability or obligation of any domestic corporation or of any foreign corporation, previously amenable to suit in this state, which is a constituent corporation in such merger or consolidation, and for the enforcement, as provided in the business corporation law, of the rights of shareholders of any constituent domestic business corporation to receive payment for their shares against the surviving or consolidated corporation. (E) An agreement that, subject to the provisions of section 623 of the business corporation law, the surviving or consolidated foreign corporation will promptly pay to the shareholders of each constituent domestic business corporation the amount, if any, to which they shall be entitled under the provisions of the business corporation law relating to the right of shareholders to receive payment for their shares. (F) A designation of the secretary of state as his agent upon whom process against it may be served in the manner set forth in paragraph (b) of section 306 (Service of process), in any action or special proceeding described in subparagraph (D) and a post office address, within or without the state, to which the secretary of state shall mail a copy of the process in such action or special proceeding. (e) The department of state shall not file a certificate delivered to it under subparagraph (d) (2) unless the consent of the state tax commission to the merger or consolidation is attached thereto. (f) Where any constituent corporation is, or would be if formed under this chapter, a Type C corporation under section 201 (Purposes), no certificate shall be filed pursuant to this section until an order approving the plan of merger or consolidation and authorizing the filing of the certificate has been made by the supreme court, as provided in section 907 (Approval by the supreme court). (g) Upon the filing of the certificate of merger or consolidation by the department of state or on such dates subsequent thereto, not to exceed thirty days, as shall be set forth in such certificate, the merger or consolidation shall be effected. (h) The surviving or consolidated domestic or foreign corporation shall thereafter cause a copy of such certificate, certified by the department of state, to be filed in the office of the clerk of each county in which the office of a constituent corporation, other than the surviving corporation, is located, and in the office of the official who is the recording officer of each county in this state in which real property of a constituent corporation, other than the surviving corporation, is situated. (i) When such merger or consolidation has been effected: (A) If the surviving or consolidated corporation is, or is to be, formed under the law of this state, it shall be subject to the business corporation law and the effect of such merger or consolidation shall be the same as in the case of the merger or consolidation of domestic corporations under section 906 (Effect of merger or consolidation) of the business corporation law, except that in subparagraph (b) (3) ofsuch section the word "shareholder" shall be read to include the word "member" as the latter is defined in this chapter. (B) If the surviving or consolidated corporation is, or is to be, incorporated under the law of any jurisdiction other than this state, the effect of such merger or consolidation shall be as provided in subparagraph (A), except insofar as the law of such other jurisdiction provides otherwise.