§1‑120.2. Filing of notice by cities and counties in certain cases.
The governing body of a cityor county may, by ordinance under Part 5 of Article 19 of Chapter 160A of theGeneral Statutes relating to building inspection, or Part 6 of Article 19 of Chapter160A relating to minimum housing standards, or Part 4 of Article 18 of Chapter153A relating to building inspection, provide that upon the issuance of acomplaint and notice of hearing or order pursuant thereto, a notice of lispendens, with a copy of the complaint and notice of hearing or order attachedthereto, may be filed in the office of the clerk of superior court of thecounty where the property is located. When a notice of lis pendens and a copyof the complaint and notice of hearing or order is filed with the clerk ofsuperior court, it shall be indexed and cross‑indexed in accordance withthe indexing procedures of G.S. 1‑117. From the date and time ofindexing, the complaint and notice of hearing or order shall be binding uponthe successors and assigns of the owners of and parties in interest in thebuilding or dwelling. A copy of the notice of lis pendens shall be served uponthe owners and parties in interest in the building or dwelling at the time offiling in accordance with G.S. 160A‑428, 160A‑445, or 153A‑368as applicable. The notice of lis pendens shall remain in full force and effectuntil cancelled. The ordinance may authorize the cancellation of the notice oflis pendens under certain circumstances. Upon receipt of notice from the city,the clerk of superior court shall cancel the notice of lis pendens. (1995,c. 158, s. 1.)