§1‑339.9. Sale as a whole or in parts.
(a) When real propertyto be sold consists of separate lots or other units or when personal propertyconsists of more than one article, the judge or clerk of court havingjurisdiction may direct specifically
(1) That it be sold as awhole, or
(2) That it be sold indesignated parts, or
(3) That it be offeredfor sale by each method, and then sold by the method which produces thehighest price.
(b) When real propertyto be sold has not been subdivided but is of such nature that it may beadvantageously subdivided for sale, the judge or clerk having jurisdiction mayauthorize the subdivision thereof and the dedication to the public of suchportions thereof as are necessary or advisable for public highways, streets, alleys,or other public purposes.
(c) When an order ofsale of such real or personal property as is described in subsection (a) ofthis section makes no specific provision for the sale of the property as awhole or in parts, the person authorized to make the sale has authority in hisdiscretion to sell the property by whichever method described in subsection (a)of this section he deems most advantageous. (1949, c. 719, s. 1; 1971, c.268, s. 18.)