§1‑440.16. Sheriff's return.
(a) After the sheriffhas executed an order of attachment, he shall promptly make a written returnshowing all property levied upon by him and the date of such levy. In suchreturn, he shall describe the property levied upon in sufficient detail toidentify the property clearly. The sheriff forthwith shall deliver the order ofattachment, together with his return, to the court in which the action ispending.
(b) If garnishmentprocess is issued, as provided by G.S. 1‑440.23 and 1‑440.24, thesheriff shall include in his return a report of his proceedings with respectto such garnishment and shall return to the court the original process issuedto the garnishee.
(c) If the sheriffmakes no levy within 10 days after the issuance of the order of attachment, heforthwith shall deliver to the court, in which the action is pending, theorder, and any other process relating thereto, together with his return showingthat no levy has been made and the reason therefor. (1947, c. 693, s. 1.)