International CommercialArbitration and Conciliation.
Part 1. General Provisions.
§ 1‑567.30. Preambleand short title.
It is the policy of the Stateof North Carolina to promote and facilitate international trade and commerce,and to provide a forum for the resolution of disputes that may arise fromparticipation therein. Pursuant to this policy, the purpose of this Article isto encourage the use of arbitration or conciliation as a means of resolvingsuch disputes, to provide rules for the conduct of arbitration or conciliationproceedings, and to assure access to the courts of this State for legalproceedings ancillary to such arbitration or conciliation. This Article shallbe known as the North Carolina International Commercial Arbitration andConciliation Act. (1991, c. 292, s. 1; 1997‑368, ss. 1, 2, 5.)