Part 3.International Commercial Conciliation.
§ 1‑567.78. Appointmentof conciliators.
(a) The parties mayselect or permit an arbitral tribunal or other third party to select one ormore persons to serve as the conciliators.
(b) The conciliatorshall assist the parties in an independent and impartial manner in the parties'attempt to reach an amicable settlement of their dispute. The conciliator shallbe guided by principles of objectivity, fairness, and justice and shall giveconsideration to, among other things, the rights and obligations of theparties, the usages of the trade concerned, and the circumstances surroundingthe dispute, including any previous practices between the parties.
(c) The conciliator mayconduct the conciliation proceedings in a manner that the conciliator considersappropriate, considering the circumstances of the case, the wishes of theparties, and the desirability of a prompt settlement of the dispute. Except asotherwise provided by this Article, other provisions of the law of this Stategoverning procedural matters do not apply to conciliation proceedings broughtunder this Part. (1997‑368, s. 7.)