§ 1‑569.19. Award.
(a) An arbitrator shallmake a record of an award. The record shall be signed or otherwiseauthenticated as authorized by federal or State law by any arbitrator whoconcurs with the award. The arbitrator or the arbitration organization shallgive notice of the award, including a copy of the award, to each party to thearbitration proceeding.
(b) An award shall bemade within the time specified by the agreement to arbitrate or, if notspecified therein, within the time ordered by the court. The court may extendor the parties to the arbitration proceeding may agree in a record to extendthe time. The court or the parties may extend the time within or after the timespecified or ordered. A party waives any objection that an award was not timelymade unless that party gives notice of the objection to the arbitrator beforereceiving notice of the award. (1927, c. 94, ss. 8, 14; 1973, c. 676, s. 1; 2003‑345,s. 2.)