§ 1‑569.20. Change ofaward by arbitrator.
(a) On motion to anarbitrator by a party to an arbitration proceeding, the arbitrator may modifyor correct an award:
(1) Upon a ground statedin G.S. 1‑569.24(a)(1) or (a)(3);
(2) Because thearbitrator had not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted bythe parties to the arbitration proceeding; or
(3) To clarify theaward.
(b) A motion undersubsection (a) of this section shall be made and notice given to all partieswithin 20 days after the moving party receives notice of the award.
(c) A party to thearbitration proceeding shall give notice of any objection to the motion within10 days after receipt of the notice.
(d) If a motion to thecourt is pending under G.S. 1‑569.22, 1‑569.23, or 1‑569.24,the court may submit the claim to the arbitrator to consider whether to modifyor correct the award:
(1) Upon a ground statedin G.S. 1‑569.24(a)(1) or (a)(3);
(2) Because thearbitrator had not made a final and definite award upon a claim submitted by theparties to the arbitration proceeding; or
(3) To clarify theaward.
(e) An award modifiedor corrected pursuant to this section is subject to G.S. 1‑569.19(a), 1‑569.22,1‑569.23, and 1‑569.24. (1973, c. 676, s. 1; 2003‑345, s. 2.)