§ 1‑569.25. Judgment onaward; attorneys' fees and litigation expenses.
(a) Upon granting anorder confirming, vacating without directing a rehearing, modifying, orcorrecting an award, the court shall enter a judgment in conformity with theorder. The judgment may be recorded, docketed, and enforced as any otherjudgment in a civil action.
(b) A court may allowreasonable costs of the motion and subsequent judicial proceedings.
(c) On motion of aprevailing party to a contested judicial proceeding under G.S. 1‑569.22,1‑569.23, or 1‑569.24, the court may award reasonable attorneys'fees and other reasonable expenses of litigation incurred in a judicialproceeding after the award is made to a judgment confirming, vacating withoutdirecting a rehearing, modifying, or correcting an award. (1927, c. 94, ss. 19, 21;1973, c. 676, s. 1; 2003‑345, s. 2.)