§1‑600. Proof of publication of notice in newspaper; prima facieevidence.
(a) Publication of anynotice permitted or required by law to be published in a newspaper may beproved by a printed copy of the notice together with an affidavit made beforesome person authorized to administer oaths, of the publisher, proprietor,editor, managing editor, business or circulation manager, advertising,classified advertising or any other advertising manager or foreman of thenewspaper, showing that the notice has been printed therein and the date ordates of publication. If the newspaper is published by a corporation, theaffidavit may be made by one of the persons hereinbefore designated or by thepresident, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, orassistant treasurer of the corporation.
(b) Such affidavit andcopy of the notice shall constitute prima facie evidence of the facts statedtherein concerning publication of such notice.
(c) The method of proofof publication of a notice provided for in this section is not exclusive, andthe facts concerning such publication may be proved by any competent evidence. (1951,c. 1005, s. 2; 1957, c. 204.)