Toll Roads or Bridges inPublic Parks.
§ 100‑16. Privateoperation of toll roads or bridges in public parks prohibited.
No person, firm or corporationshall have the right or privilege to privately operate any toll road or tollbridge in this State upon lands belonging to the State, set apart or designatedas a public park.
In the event any such tollroad or bridge is on March 17, 1939 being privately operated under any real orassumed right, privilege, or lease, the State institution or department havingsuch state‑owned property in charge or under its supervision shallimmediately give notice to such person, firm or corporation so operating suchtoll road or toll bridge to discontinue the operation of the same.
Any person, firm orcorporation who sustains any legal damage by reason of the exercise of theauthority hereinbefore granted shall be entitled to just compensationtherefor, and, in the event satisfactory settlement cannot be made with thedepartment or State agency exercising the authority herein contained, theamount of just compensation may be determined by a special proceedinginstituted by the claimant against the department or agency having suchproperty in custody under the provisions of the Chapter on Eminent Domain,insofar as the same may be applicable hereto: Provided, such proceedings shallbe instituted within six months from the time such notice is given. Anycompensation awarded shall be a valid claim against the State of NorthCarolina, payable out of the funds of the department or State agency havingsuch property in charge. (1939, c. 127.)