§100‑8. Memorials to persons within 25 years of death; acceptance ofcommemorative funds for useful work.
No monument, statue, tablet,painting, or other article or structure of a permanent nature intendedprimarily to commemorate any person or persons shall be purchased from Statefunds or shall be placed in or upon or allowed to extend over State propertywithin 25 years after the death of the person or persons so commemorated:Provided, nevertheless, that nothing in this Article shall be interpreted asprohibiting the acceptance of funds by State agencies or institutions fromindividuals or societies who wish to commemorate some person or persons byproviding funds for educational, health, charitable, or other useful work. Theagency or institution to which such funds are offered for memorial enterprisesshall exercise its discretion as to the acceptance and expenditure of suchfunds. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as prohibiting the erectionon the lands of the Cliffs of the Neuse State Park an appropriate tablet orplaque honoring the life and memory of the late Lionel Weil of Wayne County.Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as prohibiting the erection on thelands of the Morrow Mountain State Park an appropriate tablet or plaquehonoring the life and memory of the late James McKnight Morrow of StanlyCounty. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted as prohibiting theerection on the lands of the Cliffs of the Neuse State Park an appropriatetablet or plaque, of such size and containing such language, as may be agreedupon by the donors and Director of State Parks, honoring the Whitfield heirsfor their contributions to the establishment of the said park. (1941,c. 341, s. 8; 1957, c. 181; 1961, c. 976; 1963, c. 1128; 1979, 2nd Sess., c.1306, s. 4.)