§102‑17. County projects eligible for assistance.
All projects funded under thisassistance program shall be described as conforming to one or more of theproject outlines defined herein. All projects shall achieve a substantialmeasure of conformity with the objectives set forth in these project outlinessuch that a greater degree of statewide standardization of land records willresult. The Secretary shall prepare and make available to all countiesadministrative regulations designed to assist the counties in preparing projectplans and applications for assistance, and to assure compliance with theobjectives and other requirements of G.S. 102‑15, 102‑16, and thissection. County projects shall be eligible for assistance subject toavailability of funds, compliance with administrative regulations, andconformity with one or more of the project outlines as follows:
(1) Base Maps. Preparation of accurate planimetric or orthophoto maps with countywide coverageat one or more scale ratios suitable as a base for the development andmaintenance of current cadastral maps. These maps shall have additionalinformation included where appropriate to increase their utility for otherpurposes. The formulation of technical standards and detailed specificationsand the coordination of all such mapping projects with other State mappingprograms shall be the responsibility of the Department of the Secretary ofState. Insofar as possible mapping projects funded under this assistanceprogram shall utilize existing photography, geodetic control surveys, andpreviously mapped information, and be coordinated or combined with adjacent orrelated mapping projects to achieve the best efficiency and economy consistentwith the maintenance of high quality map production.
(2) Cadastral Maps. Preparation of accurate maps of all property boundaries together with othersupporting information and based on up‑to‑date planimetric ororthophoto maps conforming to the specifications for base maps outlined insubdivision (1) of this section. The formulation of specifications andstandards for these cadastral maps shall be the responsibility of theDepartment of the Secretary of State. These specifications and standards shallbe designed to conform to the best acceptable practice for county land recordsin North Carolina. The cadastral maps shall be scheduled as nearly as possibleto be completed and made available for the next revaluation cycle to beundertaken by each county and the maps shall include references to subdivisionplat numbers, property codes, and other related information considered usefulto the appraisal process or to the public generally.
(3) Standardized ParcelIdentifiers. Adoption of a system of parcel identifiers which will serve toprovide unique identification of each parcel of land, a permanent historicalrecord of change and the chain of title, and any necessary cross‑referenceto other preexisting parcel identifiers. The proposed system of parcelidentifiers shall conform to such minimum specifications and standards as maybe promulgated by the Secretary for the purpose of achieving consistency andcompatibility among all counties throughout the State. Said minimumspecifications and standards for parcel identifier systems shall be adopted andadministered by the Secretary only after consultation with the recommendationfrom an advisory committee on land records with a membership representative ofprofessional organizations concerned with public land records and map making.
(4) Automated Processingof Land Parcel Records. Preparation and implementation of a system ofautomated record keeping and processing which will expedite the maintenance ofaccurate up‑to‑date files, improve the appraisal process, andfacilitate analytical operations needed to respond to requirements for currentinformation. Technical standards and minimum specifications shall be the jointresponsibility of the Department of the Secretary of State, the Department ofRevenue, and the Department of Cultural Resources. (1977, c. 771, s. 4; c. 1099,s. 1; 1985, c. 479, s. 165(c); 1989, c. 727, s. 218(37); 1997‑443, s.11A.119(a); 1999‑119, s. 2.)