§104‑11. Utilities Commission to secure rights‑of‑way, etc.,for waterway improvements by use of federal funds.
Hereafter whenever anywaterway improvement in North Carolina by the use of federal funds is providedfor upon condition that the State or locality shall furnish rights‑of‑way,permits for the dumping of dredged material, or furnish or do any other thingin connection with the proposed waterway improvement, the Utilities Commissionis authorized and empowered to represent the State or locality in such matterof securing the rights‑of‑way, permits for the dumping of dredgedmaterial, or other things so required in connection with such waterwayimprovement; and in prosecuting such undertaking, the Utilities Commission mayfollow the same procedure provided in Article 2 for the acquisition of rights‑of‑wayfor the intercoastal waterway from the Cape Fear River to the South Carolinaline: Provided, however, that said Utilities Commission is not herebyauthorized to enter into obligation or contract for the payment of any money orproceeds through condemnation or otherwise without the express approval of theGovernor and Council of State. (1935, c. 240; 1937, c. 434.)