§104E‑10.3. Low‑level radioactive waste facility access licenses.
The Commission shall provideby regulation for the licensing of access to any low‑level radioactivewaste facility located in the State. No person shall send waste to a low‑levelradioactive waste facility unless licensed or otherwise authorized to do so bythe Department. No low‑level radioactive waste facility shall receivewaste from any source not licensed by the Department except as may be otherwisespecifically authorized by the Department. Such regulations shall provide, ata minimum, for amendment, suspension, or revocation of licenses, and forauthorization for access to a low‑level radioactive waste facility by theDepartment on a temporary or emergency basis. Each application for a licenseor amendment shall be in writing and shall include such information as may berequired by regulation, and such additional information as the Department deemsnecessary. The application for a license shall set forth the manner in whichthe applicant plans to comply with the requirements of this Chapter andregulations promulgated thereunder. Upon receipt of an application under thissection the Department shall review the application and shall issue a licenseonly if it finds that the applicant is fully qualified under all applicablelaws and regulation. (1987, c. 850, s. 9.)