§ 104E‑19. (SeeEditor's notes) Fees.
(a) An annual fee inthe amount set by the Department is imposed on a person who is required to beregistered or licensed under this Chapter. The Department must set the fees atamounts that provide revenue to offset its costs in performing its duties underthis Chapter.
(b) Repealed by SessionLaws 1987, c. 850, s. 13.
(c) The annual feesunder subsection (a) of this section shall not exceed the maximum amounts asfollows:
(1) For tanningfacilities: two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first piece of tanningequipment and thirty dollars ($30.00) for each additional piece of tanningequipment.
(2) For the followingcategories of facilities registered to use X‑ray tubes or X‑rayequipment: clinics, chiropractors, dentists, educational, government,podiatrists, industrial, physicians, veterinarians, and other; two hundreddollars ($200.00) for the first X‑ray tube or piece of X‑rayequipment and thirty dollars ($30.00) for each additional X‑ray tube orpiece of X‑ray equipment.
(3) For the followingcategories of facilities registered to use X‑ray tubes or X‑rayequipment: industrial medical, health departments, and service; three hundreddollars ($300.00) for the first X‑ray tube or piece of X‑rayequipment and forty dollars ($40.00) for each additional X‑ray tube orpiece of X‑ray equipment.
(4) For the followingcategories of facilities registered to use X‑ray tubes or X‑rayequipment: hospitals and industrial radiography; four hundred dollars ($400.00)for the first X‑ray tube or piece of X‑ray equipment and fiftydollars ($50.00) for each additional X‑ray tube or piece of X‑rayequipment. (1975,c. 718, s. 1; 1981, c. 704, s. 13; 1987, c. 633, s. 9; c. 850, s. 13; 1987(Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 993, s. 26; 2001‑474, s. 5; 2009‑451, s.13.3(a).)