§104E‑26. Standards and criteria for licensing low‑levelradioactive waste facilities.
Standards and criteria forlicensing low‑level radioactive waste facilities shall be developed bythe Commission. Such standards and criteria shall be developed with publicparticipation and shall be incorporated into rules adopted by the Commissionfor the licensing of such facilities. Standards and criteria shall beconsistent with all applicable federal and State law, including statutes,regulations and rules; shall be developed and revised in light of the bestavailable scientific data; and shall be based on consideration of at least thefollowing factors:
(1) Hydrological andgeological factors, including flood plains, depth to water table, groundwatertravel time, soil pH, soil cation exchange capacity, soil composition andpermeability, cavernous bedrock, seismic activity, slope, mines, climate andearthquake faults;
(2) Environmental andpublic health factors, including air quality, quality of surface and groundwater,and proximity to public water supply watersheds;
(3) Natural and culturalresources, including wetlands, gamelands, endangered species habitats,proximity to parks, forests, wilderness areas, nature preserves, and historicsites;
(4) Local land uses;
(5) Transportationfactors, including proximity to waste generators, route safety, and method oftransportation;
(6) Aesthetic factors,including the visibility, appearance, and noise level of the facility. (1987,c. 850, s. 15.)