Article 14A.
Licensing and Regulation of Rendering Plants andRendering Operations.
§ 106‑168.1. Definitions.
For the purposes of this Article, unless the context or subject matterotherwise clearly requires,
(1) "Collector" means any person, as defined in thissection, who collects raw material for the purpose of selling the same to anyrenderer for further processing.
(2) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm,association or corporation.
(3) "Raw material" means inedible whole or portion ofanimal or poultry carcasses.
(4) "Rendering operation" means the processing ofinedible whole or portion of animal or poultry carcasses and includescollection of such raw material for the purpose of processing.
(5) "Rendering plant" means the building or buildingsin which raw material is processed and the premises upon which said building orbuildings used in connection with such processing are located. (1953, c. 732.)