§ 106‑168.8. Minimum standards for conducting rendering operations.
The following minimum standards shall be required for all renderingoperations subject to the provisions of this Article:
(1) Buildings utilized in connection with the rendering plantshall be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate all phases of actual orintended processing. Adequate partitions shall be installed therein so as toeliminate any contact between raw materials and finished products and so as topreclude contamination of finished products. The buildings shall be constructedin a manner and of materials which will insure adequate drainage and sanitationin all phases of operation.
(2) Raw material upon arrival at the rendering plant shall beunloaded into a building for processing. All raw material shall be processed byapproved methods within 24 hours after delivery to the rendering plant.
(3) Processing equipment shall be airtight, except for properescapes for vapors caused by the cooking process.
(4) Cooking vapors shall be controlled and disposed of byapproved methods.
(5) Vehicles used to transport raw material shall be soconstructed as to prevent any drippings or seepings from such material fromescaping from the truck. Such vehicles shall have body sides of sufficientheight that no portion of any raw material transported therein shall bevisible. All vehicles shall be provided with suitable top or covering toprevent the spread of disease by flies or other agents during thetransportation of raw material.
(6) All vehicles and containers used in transporting rawmaterial shall be disinfected at the earliest practicable time after unloading,and shall, in any event, be disinfected before again being taken upon a publichighway or before leaving the rendering plant. Approved facilities andmaterials for disinfection shall be carried on vehicles transporting carcasses.Employees shall be required to wear rubber boots which shall be disinfectedprior to entry to a farm.
(7) Approved facilities, means and methods for disinfectionshall be available at the rendering plant at all times. Employees andemployees' clothing coming in contact with raw material shall be disinfectedbefore coming in contact with any finished products, or any portion of theplant in which the same are located. Rodent and fly control measures shall bepracticed as a further means of prevention of the spread of disease. (1953, c. 732.)