§ 106‑202.17. Creationof committee; membership; terms; chairman; meetings; committee action; quorum;compensation.
(a) The North CarolinaPlant Conservation Scientific Committee is created within the Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services.
(b) The ScientificCommittee shall consist of the Directors of The University of North Carolina atChapel Hill Herbarium, the North Carolina State University Herbarium, the NorthCarolina Botanical Garden of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences and the North CarolinaNatural Heritage Program of the Department of Environment and Natural Resourcesor their designees, a representative of the North Carolina Association ofNurserymen, Inc., appointed by the Commissioner, and a representative of aconservation organization, appointed by the Commissioner. Members shall servefor three‑year terms and may succeed themselves.
(c) The Board shallselect a chairman of the Scientific Committee from the Scientific Committee'smembership to serve for three years.
(d) The ScientificCommittee may hold its meetings at the North Carolina Botanical Garden of TheUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
(e) Any action of theScientific Committee shall require at least four concurring votes.
(f) Members of theScientific Committee who are not State employees may receive per diem,subsistence and travel allowances authorized by G.S. 138‑5 if they sorequest; members who are State employees may receive the subsistence and travelallowances authorized by G.S. 138‑6 if they so request; and members whoare also members of the General Assembly may receive subsistence and travelallowances authorized by G.S. 120‑3.1 if they so request. (1979, c. 964, s. 1; 1989, c.727, s. 218(46); 1993, c. 561, s. 116(i); 1997‑261, s. 109; 1997‑443,s. 11A.119(a); 2007‑456, s. 2.)