§ 106‑202.18. Powersand duties of the Scientific Committee.
The Scientific Committee shallhave all of the following powers and duties:
(1) To gather andprovide information and data and advise the Board with respect to all aspectsof the biology and ecology of endangered and threatened plant species.
(2) To develop andpresent to the Board management and conservation practices for preservingendangered or threatened plant species.
(3) To recommend habitatareas for acquisition to the extent that funds are available or expected.
(4) To investigate andmake recommendations to the Board as to the status of endangered, threatenedplant species, or species of special concern.
(5) To makerecommendations to the Board concerning regulation of the collection and shipmentof endangered or threatened plant species within North Carolina.
(6) To review andcomment on environmental impact statements prepared by State agencies onprojects that may affect protected plants; and
(7) To advise the Boardon matters submitted to the Scientific Committee by the Board or theCommissioner which involve technical questions and the development of pertinentrules and regulations, and make any recommendations as deemed by the ScientificCommittee to be worthy of the Board's consideration. (1979, c. 964, s. 1; 2007‑456,s. 3.)