§ 106‑22. Jointduties of Commissioner and Board.
The Commissioner of Agriculture, by and with the consent and advice ofthe Board of Agriculture shall:
(1) General. Investigate and promote such subjects relating tothe improvement of agriculture, the beneficial use of commercial fertilizersand composts, and for the inducement of immigration and capital as he may thinkproper; but he is especially charged:
(2) Commercial Fertilizers. With such supervision of the tradein commercial fertilizers as will best protect the interests of the farmers,and shall report to district attorneys and to the General Assembly informationas to the existence or formation of trusts or combinations in fertilizers orfertilizing materials which are or may be offered for sale in this State,whereby the interests of the farmers may be injuriously affected, and shallpublish such information in the Bulletin of the Department;
(3) Cattle and Cattle Diseases. With investigations adapted topromote the improvement of milk and beef cattle, and especially investigationsrelating to the diseases of cattle and other domestic animals, and shallpublish and distribute from time to time information relative to any contagiousdiseases of stock, and suggest remedies therefor, and shall have power in suchcases to quarantine the infected animals and to regulate the transportation ofstock in this State, or from one section of it to another, and may cooperatewith the United States Department of Agriculture in establishing andmaintaining cattle districts or quarantine lines, to prevent the infection ofcattle from splenic or Spanish fever. Any person willfully violating suchregulations shall be liable in a civil action to any person injured, and forany and all damages resulting from such conduct, and shall also be guilty of aClass 1 misdemeanor;
(4) Honey and Bee Industry. With investigations adapted topromote the improvement of the honey and bee industry in this State, andespecially investigations relating to the diseases of bees, and shall publishand distribute from time to time information relative to such diseases, andsuch remedies therefor, and shall have power in such cases to quarantine theinfected bees and to control or eradicate such infections and to regulate thetransportation or importation into North Carolina from any other state orcountry of bees, honey, hives, or any apiary equipment, or from one section ofthe State to another, and may cooperate with the United States Department ofAgriculture in establishing and maintaining quarantine lines or districts. TheCommissioner of Agriculture, by and with the consent and advice of the Board ofAgriculture, shall have power to make rules and regulations to carry out theprovisions of this section; and in event of failure to comply with any suchrules and regulations, the Commissioner of Agriculture or his duly authorizedagent is authorized to confiscate and destroy any infected bees and equipmentand any bees and/or used apiary equipment moved in violation of these regulations;
(5) Insect Pests. With investigations relative to the ravagesof insects and with the dissemination of such information as may be deemedessential for their abatement, and making regulations for destruction of suchinsects. The willful violation of any of such regulations by any person shallbe a Class 1 misdemeanor;
(6) New Agricultural Industries. With investigations andexperiments directed to the introduction and fostering of new agriculturalindustries, adapted to the various climates and soils of the State, especiallythe culture of truck and market gardens, the grape and other fruits;
(7) Drainage and Irrigation; Fertilizer Sources. With theinvestigations of the subject of drainage and irrigation and publication ofinformation as to the best methods of both, and what surfaces, soils, andlocations may be most benefited by such improvements; also with the collectionand publication of information in regard to localities, character,accessibility, cost, and modes of utilization of native mineral and domesticsources of fertilizers, including formulae for composting adapted to thedifferent crops, soils, and materials;
(8) Farm Fences. With the collection of statistics relating tothe subject of farm fences, with suggestions for diminishing their cost, andthe conditions under which they may be dispensed with altogether;
(9) Sales of Fertilizers, Seeds, and Food Products. With theenforcement and supervision of the laws which are or may be enacted in thisState for the sale of commercial fertilizers, seeds and food products, with theauthority to make regulations concerning the same;
(10) Inducement of Capital and Immigration. With the inducementof capital and immigration by the dissemination of information relative to theadvantages of soil and climate and to the natural resources and industrialopportunities offered in this State, by the keeping of a land registry and bythe publication of descriptions of agricultural, mineral, forest, and truckinglands which may be offered the Department for sale; which publication shall bein tabulated form, setting forth the county, township, number of acres, namesand addresses of owners, and such other information as may be needful inplacing inquiring homeseekers in communication with landowners; and he shallpublish a list of such inquiries in the Bulletin for the benefit of those whomay have land for sale;
(11) Diversified Farming. With such investigations as will bestpromote the improvement and extension of diversified farming, including therotation of crops, the raising of home supplies, vegetables, fruits, stock,grasses, etc.;
(12) Farmers' Institutes. With the holding of farmers'institutes in the several counties of the State, as frequently as may be deemedadvisable, in order to instruct the people in improved methods in farming, inthe beneficial use of fertilizers and composts, and to ascertain the wants andnecessities of the various farming communities; and may collect the papers andaddresses made at these institutes and publish the same in pamphlet formannually for distribution among the farmers of the State. He may secure suchassistants as may be necessary or beneficial in holding such institutes;
(13) Publication of Bulletin. The Commissioner shall publishbulletins which shall contain a list of the fertilizers and fertilizingmaterials registered for sale each year, the guaranteed constituents of eachbrand, reports of analyses of fertilizers, the dates of meeting and reports offarmers' institutes and similar societies, description of farm buildings suitedto our climate and needs, reports of interesting experiments of farmers, andsuch other matters as may be deemed advisable. The Department may determinethe number of bulletins which shall be issued each year;
(14) Reports to Legislature. He shall transmit to the GeneralAssembly at each session a report of the operations of the Department withsuggestions of such legislation as may be deemed needful;
(15) Repealed by Session Laws 1993, c. 561, s. 116(d).
(16) State Agricultural Policies. Establish State governmentpolicies relating to agriculture.
(17) Agronomic Testing. Provide agronomic testing services andcharge reasonable fees for plant analysis and nematode testing. The Boardshall charge at least four dollars ($4.00) for plant analysis and at least twodollars ($2.00) for nematode testing. (1901, c. 479, s. 4; Rev., ss. 3294, 3724, 3944; 1917, c. 16; C.S., s.4688; 1939, c. 173; 1973, c. 47, s. 2; 1979, c. 344, s. 1; 1981, c. 495, s. 9;1989, c. 544, s. 4; 1993, c. 539, ss. 737, 738, c. 561, s. 116(d); 1994, Ex.Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)