§ 106‑245.18. Container labeling.
(a) Any container or subcontainer in which eggs are marketedshall bear on the outside portion of the container, but not be limited to, thefollowing:
(1) The applicable consumer grade provided for in this Article.
(2) The applicable size or weight class provided for in thisArticle.
(3) The word "eggs."
(4) The numerical count of the contents.
(5) The name and address of the packer or distributor. Words andnumerals used to designate the grade and size shall be in clearly legible bold‑facedtype at least three‑eighths inch in height. Any person intending to reusea container shall obscure any inappropriate labeling thereon and relabel thecontainer in accordance with this section prior to refilling the container witheggs. In any case, the address of the packer or distributor shall be shown inletters not exceeding three‑eighths inch in height.
(b) The term "fresh" may only be applied to eggsconforming to the specifications for Grade A or better. No other descriptiveterm other than applicable grade and size may be applied. (1965, c. 1138, s. 1; 1973, c. 739, s. 2.)