§ 106‑245.22. Sanitation.
(a) Any person engaged in the marketing of or the processing ofeggs for marketing shall, in addition to maintaining egghandling facilities ina manner commensurate with laws governing food establishments, keep the eggs ina proper environment, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the NorthCarolina Board of Agriculture, to maintain quality. In addition, any container,including the packaging material therein, when used for the marketing of eggsshall be clean, unbroken and free from foreign odor. In all instances eggsshall, so far as possible and by use of all reasonable means, be protected frombeing soiled or dirtied by foreign matter. When cleaning is necessary asanitary method approved by the Commissioner shall be employed.
(b) Repealed by Session Laws 1973, c. 739, s. 3. (1965, c. 1138, s. 1; 1973, c. 739, s. 3.)