§ 106‑253. Standards of purity and sanitation; regulating trade or brand names of frozenor semifrozen desserts.
The Board of Agriculture is authorized to make such definitions and toestablish such standards of purity for products and sanitation for plants orplaces of manufacture named herein with such regulations, not in conflict withthis Article, as shall be necessary to make provisions of this Articleeffective and insure the proper enforcement of same, and the violation of saidstandards of purity or regulations shall be deemed to be a violation of thisArticle. The Board is authorized to require the posting of inspectioncertificates. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to usethe words "cream," "milk," or "ice cream," oreither of them, or any similar sounding word or terms, as a part of or inconnection with any product, trade name or brand of any frozen or semifrozendessert manufactured, sold or offered for sale and not in fact made from dairyproducts under and in accordance with regulations, definitions or standardsapproved or promulgated by the Board of Agriculture. (1921, c. 169, s. 8; C.S., s. 7251(h); 1933, c. 431,s. 3; 1945, c. 846; 1959, c. 707, s. 3; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1359, s.1.)