Article 29.
Inspection, Grading and Testing Milk and DairyProducts.
§ 106‑267. Inspection, grading and testingdairy products; authority of State Board of Agriculture.
The State Board of Agriculture shall have full power to make andpromulgate rules and regulations for the Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices in its inspection and control of the purchase and sale of milk andother dairy products in North Carolina; to make and establish definitions, notinconsistent with the laws pertaining thereto; to qualify and determine thegrade and contents of milk and of other dairy products sold in this State; toregulate the manner of testing the same and the handling, treatment and sale ofmilk and dairy products, to require processors of fortified milk and milkproducts to pay all costs for assays of vitamin‑fortified products, toprovide for the issuance of permits upon compliance with this Article and therules and regulations promulgated thereunder and to promulgate such other rulesand regulations not inconsistent with the law as may be necessary in connectionwith the authority hereby given to the Commissioner of Agriculture on thissubject. (1933, c. 550, ss.1‑3; 1951, c. 1121, s. 1; 1981, c. 338; c. 495, s. 5; 1997‑261, s.109.)