§ 106‑267.5. Standard Babcock testing glassware; scales and weights.
In the use of the Babcock test all persons shall use the "standardBabcock testing glassware, scales, and weights." The term "standardBabcock testing glassware, scales and weights" shall apply to glassware,scales and weights. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, company,association, corporation or agent thereof to falsely manipulate, underread oroverread the Babcock test or any other contrivance used for determining thequality of value of milk or cream where the value of said milk or cream isdetermined by the percentage of butterfat contained in the same or to make afalse determination by the Babcock test or otherwise, or to falsify the recordof such test or to pay on the basis of any test, measurement or weight exceptthe true test, measurement or weight. (1951, c. 1121, s. 1.)