§ 106‑277.21. Sampling, inspecting and testing; notice of violations.
It shall be the duty of the Commissioner, who may act through hisauthorized agents, to sample, inspect, make analysis of and test agriculturaland vegetable seeds transported, held in storage, sold, offered or exposed forsale within this State for sowing purposes at such time and place and to suchextent as he may deem necessary to determine whether said seeds are incompliance with the provisions of this Article, and to notify promptly theperson or persons who transported, had in his possession, sold, offered orexposed the seeds for sale of any violation. (1941, c. 114, s. 6; 1943, c. 203, s. 4; 1945, c. 828; 1949, c. 725;1953, c. 856, s. 5; 1957, c. 263, s. 3; 1963, c. 1182.)