§ 106‑277.32. SeedBoard created; membership; duties.
(a) The Commissioner shall appoint a Seed Board composed of fivemembers, three of whom shall be appointed upon the recommendation of thefollowing: Director of the Agricultural Research Service, North Carolina StateUniversity; Director of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, NorthCarolina State University; and President of the North Carolina Seedsmen'sAssociation. The other two members shall include: one farmer who is notconnected in any way to selling seeds at retail or wholesale and one employeeof the Department. An alternate for each member shall also be appointed in thesame manner as that member was appointed to serve whenever that member isunable or unwilling to serve. Each member of the Board shall serve a four‑yearterm at the discretion of the Commissioner. The Board shall elect achairperson. The chairperson shall conduct all meetings and deliberations anddirect all other activities of the Board. Three members of the Board shallconstitute a quorum and at least three board members must vote affirmativelyfor the Board to take any action.
(b) A clerk shall be appointed to serve the Board. The clerkshall be an employee of the Department. The clerk shall keep accurate and correctrecords of all meetings and deliberations and perform other duties for theBoard as directed by the chairperson.
(c) The Department shall provide administrative support for theinvestigation under this section. The Board shall adopt rules to govern investigationsand hearings. A copy of the rules shall be mailed to each party to a disputeupon receipt of a complaint.
(d) Members of the Board appointed by the Commissioner who arenot governmental employees shall be entitled to receive reimbursement for necessarytravel and subsistence expenses pursuant to G.S. 138‑5. Members of theBoard who are State employees shall be entitled to receive reimbursement fornecessary travel and subsistence expenses pursuant to G.S. 138‑6.
(e) The Attorney General shall represent the Board in any andall legal proceedings that may arise concerning or against the Board. (1998‑210, s. 3.)