§ 106‑307.2. Reports of infectious disease inlivestock and poultry to State Veterinarian.
(a) All persons practicing veterinary medicine in North Carolinashall report promptly to the State Veterinarian the existence of any reportablecontagious or infectious disease in livestock and poultry. The Board ofAgriculture shall establish by rule a list of animal diseases and conditions tobe reported and the time and manner of reporting.
(b) The State Veterinarian shall notify the State HealthDirector and the Director of the Division of Environmental Health in theDepartment of Environment and Natural Resources when the State Veterinarianreceives a report indicating an occurrence or potential outbreak of anthrax,arboviral infections, brucellosis, epidemic typhus, hantavirus infections,murine typhus, plague, psittacosis, Q fever, hemorrhagic fever, virusinfections, and any other disease or condition transmissible to humans that theState Veterinarian determines may have been caused by a terrorist act. (1943, c. 640, s. 2; 1969, c. 606, s. 1; 2002‑179, s. 9.)