§ 106‑307.3. Quarantine of infected or inoculated livestock.
Hog cholera and other contagious and infectious diseases of livestockare hereby declared to be a menace to the livestock industry and all livestockinfected with or exposed to a contagious or infectious disease may bequarantined by the State Veterinarian or his authorized representative inaccordance with regulations promulgated by the State Board of Agriculture. Alllivestock that are inoculated with a product containing a living virus or otherorganism are subject to quarantine at the time of inoculation in accordancewith regulations promulgated by the State Board of Agriculture: Provided,nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing anyone entitled toadminister serum or vaccine under existing laws from continuing to administersame. (1943, c. 640, s. 3; 1969,c. 606, s. 1.)