Part2. Foot and Mouth Disease; Rinderpest; Fowl Pest; Newcastle Disease.
§ 106‑308. Appropriation to combat animal andfowl diseases.
If the foot and mouth disease, rinderpest (cattle plague), fowl pest,or Newcastle disease (Asiatic or European types), or any other type of foreigninfectious disease which may become a menace to livestock and poultry and sodeclared to be by the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States, Chief ofthe United States Bureau of Animal Industry and the Commissioner of Agricultureof North Carolina, seem likely to appear in this State and an emergency as tosuch disease or diseases is declared by the Secretary of Agriculture of theUnited States, or his authorized agents, and the North Carolina Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services has no funds available to immediately meetthe situation in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture,the Director of the Budget, upon approval of the Governor and Council of State,shall set aside, appropriate and make available out of the Contingency andEmergency Fund such sum as the Governor and Council of State shall deem properand necessary, and the Budget Bureau shall place said funds in an account to beknown as the Animal and Fowl Disease Appropriation and make same available tothe North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, to be usedby the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in thework of preventing or eradicating the above diseases, or any of them. Funds fromthe above appropriation shall be paid only for work in this connection uponwarrants approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture. The provisions of Part 4of Article 34 of Chapter 106 of the General Statutes relating to thecompensation for killing diseased animals shall be applicable to animalsinfected with or exposed to the diseases named and described in this section,as well as to the destruction of material contaminated by or exposed to thediseases described in this section, as well as the necessary cost of thedisinfection of materials. In no event shall any of the above appropriation bespent for the purposes set forth in this section unless the funds appropriatedby this State are matched in an equal amount by the federal government or oneof its agencies to be spent for the same purposes. (1915, c. 160, s. 1; C.S., s. 4875; 1951, c. 799; 1997‑261,s. 109.)