§ 106‑316. Counties authorized to purchase and supply serum.
If the county commissioners of any county in the State deem itnecessary to use anti‑hog‑cholera serum to control or eradicate thedisease known as hog cholera, they are authorized within their discretion topurchase from the State Department of Agriculture and Consumer Servicessufficient anti‑hog‑cholera serum and virus for use in their countyand supply same free of cost to the residents of the county, or pay for anyportion of the cost of said serum, the remaining portion to be paid by theowners of the hogs.
The use of anti‑hog‑cholera serum and virus and thequarantine of diseased animals shall remain under the supervision of the StateVeterinarian.
Nothing in this section shall in any way interfere with existing lawsand regulations covering the use of anti‑hog‑cholera serum andvirus and the quarantine and control of contagious diseases, or any laws orregulations that may become necessary in the future. (1919, c. 132; C.S., s. 4881; 1997‑261, s. 109.)