§ 106‑322.2. Destruction of swine affected with or exposed to hog cholera; indemnitypayments.
If it appears in the judgment of the State Veterinarian to be necessaryfor the control and eradication of hog cholera to destroy or slaughter swineaffected with or exposed to such disease, the State Veterinarian is authorizedto order said swine destroyed or slaughtered, notwithstanding the wishes of theowners of said swine, provided that if the owner contests the diagnosis of hogcholera he shall be entitled to a review of the case by a licensed practicingveterinarian, the State Veterinarian, or his authorized representative, and thefederal inspector in charge, or his authorized representative, to determinethat a diagnosis of hog cholera was arrived at by the use of accepted, standarddiagnostic techniques. The State Veterinarian is authorized to agree on thepart of the State, in the case of swine destroyed or slaughtered on account ofbeing affected with hog cholera or exposure to same to pay one half of thedifference between the appraised value of each animal destroyed or slaughteredand the value of the salvage thereof; provided, that the State indemnity shallnot be in excess of the indemnity payments made by the federal cooperatingagency; provided further, that State indemnity payments shall be restricted toswine located on the farm or feedlot of the owner or authorized representativeof the owner; provided further, that in no case shall any payments by the Statebe more than twenty‑five dollars ($25.00) for any grade swine nor morethan one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any purebred swine and subject toavailable State funds. The procedure for appraisal, disposal and salvage ofslaughtered or destroyed swine shall be carried out in the same manner as thatrequired under the General Statutes of North Carolina governing compensationfor killing other diseased animals provided, however, that the appraisal may bemade by the owner, or his representative, and the State Veterinarian, or hisauthorized representative, when agreement on the appraised value of the swinecan be made; provided, further, that swine which entered the State 30 days ormore before developing symptoms of hog cholera may be appraised in the samemanner as swine which originate in North Carolina.
For the purposes of this section, "purebred swine" shall meanany swine upon which a certificate of pure breeding has been issued by apurebred swine association, or swine not more than 12 months of age eligible toreceive such a certificate. (1963, c. 1084, s. 1; 1967, c. 105; 1969, c. 525, ss. 1, 2.)