§ 106‑342. Noticeto owner of suspected animals; quarantine.
When the State Veterinarian receives information, or has reason tobelieve, that tuberculosis exists in any animal or animals, he shall promptlynotify the owner or owners, and recommend that a tuberculin test be applied tosaid animals, that diseased animals shall be properly disposed of, and thepremises disinfected under the supervision of the State Veterinarian, or hisauthorized representative. Should the owner or owners fail or refuse to complywith the said recommendations of the State Veterinarian within 10 days aftersaid notice, then the State Veterinarian shall quarantine said animals on thepremises of the owner or owners. Said animals shall not be removed from thepremises where quarantined and milk or other dairy products from same shall notbe sold or otherwise disposed of. Said quarantine shall remain in effect untilthe said recommendations of the State Veterinarian have been complied with, andthe quarantine canceled by the State Veterinarian. (1921, c. 177, s. 7; C.S., s. 4895(g).)