§ 106‑353. Dippingvats; counties to provide; cost.
The county commissioners of the aforesaid counties shall provide suchnumbers of dipping vats as may be fixed by the State Veterinarian or hisauthorized representative, and provide the proper chemicals and other materialsnecessary to be used in the work of systematic tick eradication in suchcounties, which shall begin on said dates and continue until the cattle tick(Margaropus annulatus) is completely eradicated and notice in writing of sameis given by the State Veterinarian. The cost of said vats and chemicals, or anyother expense incurred in carrying out the provisions of G.S. 106‑351 to106‑363, except G.S. 106‑354 and 106‑358, shall be paid outof the general county fund. (1923, c. 146, s. 4; C.S., s. 4895(s).)