§ 106‑356. Ownersof stock to have same dipped; supervision of dipping; dipping period.
Any person or persons, firms or corporations, owning or having incharge any cattle, horses or mules in any county where tick eradication shallbe taken up, or is in progress under existing laws, shall, on notification byany quarantine inspector to do so, have such cattle, horses or mules dippedregularly every 14 days in a vat properly charged with arsenical solution asrecommended by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, under thesupervision of said inspector at such time and place and in such manner as maybe designated by the quarantine inspector. The dipping period shall becontinued as long as may be required by the rules and regulations of the StateBoard of Agriculture, which shall be sufficient in number and length of time tocompletely destroy and eradicate all cattle ticks (Margaropus annulatus) insuch county or counties. (1923, c. 146, s. 7; C.S., s. 4895(v).)