§ 106‑403. Dispositionof dead domesticated animals.
It is the duty of the owner ofdomesticated animals that die from any cause and the owner or operator of thepremises upon which any domesticated animals die, to bury the animals to adepth of at least three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hoursafter knowledge of the death of the domesticated animals, or to otherwisedispose of the domesticated animals in a manner approved by the StateVeterinarian. It is a violation of this section to bury any dead domesticatedanimal closer than 300 feet to any flowing stream or public body of water. Itis unlawful for any person to remove the carcasses of dead domesticated animalsfrom the person's premises to the premises of any other person without thewritten permission of the person having charge of the other premises andwithout burying the carcasses as provided under this section. The governingbody of each municipality shall designate some appropriate person whose duty itshall be to provide for the removal and disposal, according to the provisionsof this section, of any dead domesticated animals located within the limits ofthe municipality when the owner of the animals cannot be determined. The boardof commissioners of each county shall designate some appropriate person whoseduty it shall be to provide for the removal and disposal under this section, ofany dead domesticated animals located within the limits of the county, butwithout the limits of any municipality, when the owner of the animals cannot bedetermined. All costs incurred by a municipality or county in the removal ofdead domesticated animals shall be recoverable from the owner of the animalsupon admission of ownership or conviction. "Domesticated animal" asused in this section includes poultry. (1919, c. 36; C.S., s. 4488; 1927, c. 2; 1939, c.360, s. 4; 1971, c. 567, ss. 1, 2; 2001‑12, s. 9; 2003‑6, s. 1;2005‑21, s. 1; 2009‑103, s. 1.)