§ 106‑405.7. Inspection and investigation; maintenance of records.
(a) Any authorized representative of the North CarolinaCommissioner of Agriculture shall have the power to enter at reasonable timesupon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting andinvestigating conditions relating to the proper treatment of garbage to be fedto swine, sanitation of the premises and health of the animals.
(b) Garbage feeders shall keep a complete permanent recordrelating to the operation of equipment and their procedure of treating garbage,and also from whom all swine are received and to whom sold for immediateslaughter. Such record is to be available to the Commissioner of Agriculture orhis authorized representative.
(c) Any operator, manager or person in charge of a restaurant,cafe, boardinghouse, school, hospital, or other public or private place wherefood is served to persons other than members of the immediate family ornonpaying guests of such operator, manager, or person in charge, shall notallow or permit garbage to be removed from the premises thereof unless theperson removing said garbage is in possession of a valid garbage‑feedingpermit issued by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and ConsumerServices, or unless such person removing said garbage is in possession of adocument from the county department of health wherein such garbage is locatedstating that the person removing said garbage is authorized to dispose of suchgarbage in a legal manner or unless such person removing said garbage is anemployee of a municipality engaged in the regular collection of garbage forsaid municipality. The name and address or license number of any motor vehicleof any person removing garbage other than under authorization from the county departmentof health, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Servicesor a municipality, shall be reported by such operator, manager or person incharge, to the State Veterinarian within five days after the first removal ofsuch garbage is made. (1953, c. 720, s. 7; 1971, c. 566, s. 2; 1997‑261, s. 109.)