§ 106‑409. Removalof cattle from market for slaughter and nonslaughter purposes; identification;permit needed.
No cattle except those for immediate slaughter, shall be removed fromany public livestock market except in accordance with this Article and regulationsadopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. All cattle removed from anypublic livestock market for immediate slaughter shall be identified in a mannerapproved by the Commissioner of Agriculture and the person removing same shallbefore removal sign a form in duplicate showing the number of cattle, theirdescription, and where same are to be slaughtered or resold for slaughter.Cattle sold for slaughter shall be disposed of in one of the following ways:
(1) Moved directly to a recognized slaughtering establishmentfor immediate slaughter.
(2) Sold to a dealer bonded under the Packers and Stockyards Actwho handles cattle for immediate slaughter.
(3) Offered for resale for slaughter through a livestockauction market holding a valid permit issued under this Article.
A "buying station" of a slaughterhouse or similar businessnot operating under a public livestock market permit shall not allow theremoval of animals for any purpose other than that of immediate slaughterunless a written permit has been secured from the State Veterinarian or hisauthorized representative. This provision shall not apply to buying stationsoperated by feedlot operators buying animals for movement to their ownfeedlots.
Cattle sold for immediate slaughter shall be used for no other purposeunless prior written permission has been secured from the State Veterinarian orhis authorized representative. No livestock market operator, or agent oremployee thereof, shall allow the removal of any cattle from a market in violationof this section. (1941, c. 263, s.4; 1943, c. 724, s. 2; 1949, c. 997, s. 2; 1967, c. 894, s. 6.)