§ 106‑410. Removalof swine from market for slaughter and nonslaughter purposes; identification;permit needed; resale for feeding or breeding; out‑of‑stateshipment.
No swine, except those for immediate slaughter, shall be removed fromany public livestock market except in accordance with regulations adopted bythe North Carolina Board of Agriculture. All swine removed from any publiclivestock market for immediate slaughter shall be identified in a mannerprescribed by regulation adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture andthe person removing same shall sign a form in duplicate showing the number ofhogs, their description and where they are to be slaughtered or resold forslaughter. Slaughter hogs may be disposed of in one of the following ways:
(1) Moved directly to a recognized slaughter establishment forimmediate slaughter.
(2) Sold to a dealer, bonded under the Packers and StockyardsAct, who handles hogs for immediate slaughter.
(3) Offered for resale for slaughter through a livestock auction market holding a valid permit issued under this Article.
Swine sold for immediate slaughter shall be used for no other purposeunless prior written permission has been secured from the State Veterinarian orhis authorized representative. No market operator shall allow the removal ofany swine from a market in violation of this section.
Swine for breeding or feeding purposes shall not be resold in alivestock market for other than immediate slaughter within 14 days of priorsale at a livestock market unless they are identified as having been previouslysold swine at the time of resale. Such identification shall contain the dateand place of the prior sale and shall be furnished in writing to the marketoperator by the seller of said swine.
Provided, however, that the Commissioner of Agriculture may permit swine to be shipped out of the State of North Carolina, under the sameconditions as if said swine were being delivered for immediate slaughter, forimmediate delivery to holding or feeding lots in any other state when hedetermines that said holding or feeding lots are being operated in compliancewith the laws of said state and the rules and regulations promulgatedthereunder. (1941, c. 263, s.5; 1943, c. 724, s. 3; 1949, c. 997, ss. 3, 4; 1967, c. 894, s. 7; 1971, c.739, s. 5.)